Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Negotiating with Bank and Lenders

Keep communicating and keep pushing.  Always ask to speak to a superior / upper manager, the squeakiest wheels get the grease!  
Your battle with the banks can’t be personal, the person on the other end of the phone is not making judgments specific to you, they are following a criteria.  Think about it this way, if it fits they say yes, if it’s a little out of "shape" and it doesn't fit they say no.  Their system has little accommodation for any considerations or grey area.  You must be persistent and escalate whenever possible to get the outcome you desire.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bullish on Housing!

Almost five full years into the housing downturn, it's still cool to be bearish on real estate. But cool isn't always right: Despite headwinds such as looming shadow inventory, a lackluster job market, and geopolitical instability, there are plenty of reasons why rose-colored glasses may be the real estate eye wear of choice.
Here are 10 solid reasons why it may finally be time to be bullish on housing ... of course there's always caveats like local and regional trends, but overall there's reason to be optimistic. Read further.