Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Sell Now or Wait for a Real Housing Recovery?

Strong consideration for choosing to sell now........Home sellers who are concerned that their home’s value has not rebounded sufficiently to justify a sale should remember that the home they plan to purchase may also be offered at a discount from past years. The perceived loss from a sale could be recouped in a shrewd purchase. Perfect conditions rarely exist. But, for many, today’s housing market may be just about as perfect as they’ll find. 
Sell Now or Wait for a Real Housing Recovery?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Successful Short Sale Newcastle, WA

I listed, facilitated and negotiated a very difficult short sale for this home in the Olympus area of Newcastle, Washington.  The home had four liens on title that needed to be cleared prior to selling.  Each lien required coordinated and separate negotiations with every lien holder. Using all my business and real estate skills I carefully worked through each lien.  We recently closed...buyer and seller were fully satisfied.  I am very proud of what I was able to do.......I definitely have the skill, experience and contacts to handle most any short sale. Please contact me if you'd like more details or would like to discuss short sales.

7 Smart Strategies for Bathroom Remodeling

I am currently remodeling a bathroom in my Mercer Island home. I've employed these strategies. They make sense and help make critical decisions.

Shower stall after demo

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Friday, November 9, 2012

Seattle 7th best market in the U.S. for investment, development and homebuilding.

In its latest outlook on real estate, the Urban Land Institute (ULI) pegged Seattle as the 7th best market in the U.S. for investment, development and homebuilding.
Seattle, which was listed among "cool places" with 24-hour characteristics for echo boomers and "veritable wealth-island magnets for investors" in last year's report, was singled out in the latest edition for its walkability and good quality of living. Its diversified new age corporate base, also drew favorable comments. more

The Seattle area has a lot going for it now.......vibrant and hip with many tech workers coming from all over to live and work here. Cities or Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island and Issaquah are magnets for new arrivals. With low interest rates what an awesome time to invest in Real Estate.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

6 Ways to Sell Your Home This Fall

Given the improving market and low inventory, I strongly believe that these days Fall & Winter can be a good time to sell. Here are some terrific tips to help make your home shine.

BOSTON (TheStreet) -- Fall is second only to spring as the busiest time of the year for home sales -- and Idaho Realtor Gail Hartnett sees this autumn as an especially good time to have your property on the market. more