Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Who is Buying Houses Today?

By Ken Urman, Realtor

The National Association of Realtors conducted a study of recent homebuyers. Here’s who is buying houses (by generation):

·         Gen Y                                                                    31%

·         Gen X                                                                    30%

·         Younger Baby Boomers                                    16%

·         Older Baby Boomers                                         14%

·         The Silent Generation                                          9%


Gen Y

·         aged 33 and younger, born between 1980 and 1995

·         76% are first-time home buyers

·         97% financed their home purchase

·         More than 50% used a mobile device in their search

·         About 25% found the home they purchased with a mobile device

·         Find realtors through friends, neighbors, relatives

·         74% said the major value of working with a realtor was understanding the buying process

·         They buy because they want to own a home

·         19% choose urban areas

·         Plan to stay in the home 10 years

·         37% say commuting cost is a major consideration in choosing location

·         About 20% had to delay purchasing a home because of student loan debt

Gen X

·         aged 34 to 48, born between 1965 and 1979

·         More than 50% used a mobile device in their search

·         About 25% found the home they purchased with a mobile device

·         found their real estate agent or broker through the recommendation of a friend, family member or neighbor

·         more likely to use the same real estate agent for their purchase as for the sale of their previous home

·         buying and/or selling a home out of the desire to own a home, because they want or need a larger home, or because they are relocating for a job

·         primary factors influencing their neighborhood choice are the quality of the neighborhood, convenience of the neighborhood to their job(s), and the quality and convenience of schools

·         plan to live in the homes they purchase for 15 years

·         highest income earners ($98,200)

·         largest proportion of married couples buying homes (72 percent)

·         largest group of buyers with children under the age of 18 in the home (67 percent)

·         19% said they were compelled to delay the sale of their previous home because it was worth less than their mortgage

·         15% had difficulty saving for a down-payment, with 46 percent pointing to credit card debt as the reason for the difficulty, and 35 percent pointing to student loan debt as the difficulty.


Younger Boomers

·         Aged 49-58, born between 1955 and 1964

·         33% are single

·         22% bought a multi-generational home

o   38% had children over 18 moving back home

o   18% cost savings

o   15% caring for aging parents

·         26% own more than one home (vacation, investment)

·         Plan to live in the home for 20 years

·         21% of recent home sellers

·         Reasons for selling: job relocation, home too large, neighborhood less desirable

·         10% delayed home sale because home was worth less than their mortgage



Older Boomers

·         Aged 59-67, born between 1946 and 1954

·         21% buy to avoid renovations or repairs of major house systems

·         Choose neighborhoods for convenience to friends and family, affordability, and convenience to shopping

·         27% own more than one home

·         Plan to live in home more than 20 years

·         22% of recent home sales

·         Top reasons to sell: move closer to friends and family, house too big, retirement

·         Most likely to move more than 36 miles; 22% moving to a new region

·         Typically downsizing square footage and cost


Silent Generation

·         Aged 68-88, born between 1925 and 1945

·         98% are repeat buyers

·         18% purchased a multi-generational home

o   27% care for aging parents

o   23% children over age 18 moving back in

o   21% cost savings

·         Choose neighborhood for convenience to friends and family, design of the home, proximity to shopping, design of neighborhood, affordability, proximity to health care facilities

·         Smallest percentage finance the purchase

·         Most moving 38 miles away

·         Top reasons to sell: move closer to friends and family, house too big, retirement

·         Typically downsizing square footage and cost


If you are considering buying a home, whether a first home, a larger house or a smaller house, I would be pleased to help you find the perfect house to meet your needs. If you are considering selling your home, I would be honored to help you with the sale to the right buyer. Whether buying or selling, I would like to discuss your goals and help you achieve them. Call me today at (206) 230-0833.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Get to Know the Mercer Island Estates Community

By Ken Urman, Realtor/Broker


The Mercer Island Estates community is located on the southern end of Mercer Island, near the Country Club. Development of the neighborhood as a “planned community” began in the 1960s. This beginning is evident in the large number of split level homes (very popular in the 1950s and 1960s) and level roads.


These level roads make the neighborhood a very popular place for riding bicycles, and many of the children in the neighborhood ride their bikes to school. Two well-known features within this neighborhood are Wildwood Park (one of the island’s two off-leash areas for dogs and their owners) and the Mercer Island Country Club, which offers swimming, tennis, fitness and other sports facilities to members.


Mercer Island Estates is very close to both Lakeridge Elementary School and Islander Middle School. It is also within comfortable walking distance of the Village Shopping Center (home of a very popular gathering place in the Starbucks). The South End Fire Station is also nearby, as is Pioneer Park. The park has been maintained in its natural forest condition and is divided into quadrants by roads. Residents enjoy the six-plus miles of walking trails and equestrian trails which are convenient to the Mercer Island Saddle Club located just outside the southeast quadrant of the park.

Mercer Island Estates is a very attractive neighborhood that offers a rare combination of qualities that include level topography, quiet streets, stores and schools within an easy walking distance, and a clear and definite neighborhood boundary. Seven homes in this neighborhood have sold in the last 360 days. There is currently one home for sale in Mercer Island Estates.  This 2,340 square foot single-level rambler has three bedrooms, 1.75 bathrooms, and is located in a quiet cul-de-sac.

If you would like to see this house or any other currently on the market, it would be my pleasure to help you find the perfect home for your family. If you are considering selling, I would be happy to sit down with you to discuss your goals and needs. Call me at (206) 230-0833.