Thursday, May 5, 2011

Just announced incentive for buyers of Fannie Mae REO properties

Buyers of Fannie Mae backed REO properties will receive 3.5% of the purchase price towards their closing costs. For many homebuyers, the added expense of closing costs is an unpleasant shock. This promotion may take some pain out of that first step in homeownership.

Promotion Guidelines:
  • Buyer’s or seller’s agents must request the incentive with the initial offer
  • Offer must be submitted on or after April 11, 201,1 and close by June 30, 2011
  • The buyer must use property as a primary residence, and will have to sign an Owner Occupant Certification Rider included with the purchase contract
  • If buyer’s closing costs are less than 3.5%, there is no credit for the difference
This is a terrific step towards clearing their portfolio of their

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