Thursday, November 21, 2013

Real Estate and Dating

I recently ran across this. It is a very fun and appropriate analogy.  I would go a bit further……how about  “buyer’s remorse” or not making it to the wedding.  Once you’re engaged (under contract) there are so many ways the relationship can crash and burn.  We always strive for happiness and “wedding bells”

Real Estate Dating

Look at this cute little comic I found on
real estate humor Real Estate Dating
He, he.   Told you it was cute.
When you think about it, buying a house IS like dating.  Now, don't get me wrong, I'm a happily married woman however, when you REALLY think about it, there are many ways that shopping for or buying real estate can be like dating.  Let's take a look at the top 5.
5 ways buying a home is like dating Real Estate Dating
1. First Dates.  How many first dates did you go on until you found "the one"?  You look at many houses (some online), imagining the prospect of your lives together...
2. The List.  Number of beds and baths, garage, yard, updated.  Sound familiar?  Must be tall, thin, handsome, great get the idea.
3.  Curb Appeal.  Never judge a book by its cover, or a house by an overgrown yard.  How about the great date whose shoes don't match his belt (do people still do that??).
4. Location, Location, Location. Always a must for your ideal home.  After all, you don't want to be stuck in traffic for two hours a day, now do you?  How about that friend-of-a-friend your gal pal wants to introduce you to because "you two would just be perfect" even though he lives 1,000 miles away.
5.  Financing.  I think this is a conversation that most normal people dread before taking that big leap and deciding to move-in together.  "I only owe $100 grand in student loans".  Yikes!
So there you have it, buying a home IS just like dating.  What other ways can you think of where buying a home is like dating?
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