Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What's Motivating Buyers

I just read about the results of a recent survey by Fannie Mae the government-backed mortgage investor.  This survey seems to shed light on what is motivating buyers right now.
In the survey of 1,002 adults in December, Fannie found the highest share of consumers in the surveys 2 1/2-year history who expect home prices to rise in the next 12 months. Forty-three percent expect mortgage rates to jump, and 49 percent think the cost of renting will increase.
Clearly any or all these expectations are driving buyers into the market. 
They want to take advantage of this "perfect time to buy".  What is missing from this equation? More owners listing their homes for sale. 
The flip side of this equation is that sellers can get more now for their homes.  More than they probably think.  Any property owners with any interest in selling should be speaking to a Realtor like myself.  If for nothing else to get a better read on there home value.  Read more: http://mobile.dispatch.com/wap/news/text.jsp?sid=1003&nid=277467716&cid=20834&scid=-1&ith=2&title=Life+and+Entertainment&headtitle=Life+and+Entertainment

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